The UK's No.1 Mobile Alloy Wheel Repair Service

Refurb Alloy Wheels to Look Brand New Again

Refurb Alloy Wheels to Look Brand New Again

Why would you refurb alloy wheels? You already know that no matter how much you take care of your car, wear and tear will always affect the looks and performance over time. The part of your car that is always touching the ground will generally be the first one to feel the brunt – namely your wheels. Before you know it cracks, dents and scratches can start to develop until they no longer look at all like they should. But rather than throwing them out, why not try refurbishing them?

Refurb alloy wheels – benefits

  • Refurbishing can make your wheels look brand new again.
  • The process is not difficult and you won’t have to spend a small fortune on buying a new set.
  • It is easy to refurb alloy wheels at Wicked Wheels – we’ll even come to you to do it.

Refurb alloy wheels – what’s involved

To refurb alloy wheels involves a systematic process to restore your wheels to their former condition. This can include things like:

  • Removing the wheels from the vehicle.
  • Breaking of the tyre beads to free the rim from the tyre itself.
  • Treating dents, cracks and scratches.
  • Coating with primer to protect from corrosion.
  • Applying clear lacquer to give it that glossy, shiny brand new look.
  • Baking the tyres until fully dried.
  • Re-inflating and refitting it back into your car.

Once the tires have been refitted, final inspections are done by on site mechanics to ensure that everything is up to driving standards.

Refurb alloy wheels – to save money

The cost to refurb alloy wheels will vary depending on the condition of the wheels in the first place, and what is involved to get them looking brand new again. However, it is almost certain that you will save a lot of money when compared to forking out for new alloy wheels. Because we are experts in alloy wheel refurbishment, we have the equipment and experience to restore yours as quickly and cost effectively as possible.

Wicked Wheels will even come to you to refurb alloy wheels, saving you time and hassle as well as money.